15 ECTS and things are looking up but tired

I completed my 15th ECT yesterday.  From what I’m told, I am acting like a completely different person.  I guess that they are right.  I’m bathing and shaving everyday (I know that it sounds gross not bathing but when the depression is really kicking getting out of bed is a victory.)

I’m doing much better at most aspects of everyday living.  I’m one of the top performers at work.  In fact, not only have I not missed work in over a month, I’m working six days a week. I haven’t thought  about suicide for over a month.  I actually talked to my little boy for 30 minutes on the phone last night.  Normally I can’t keep him on the phone more than 5 minutes.

The downside is the ECTs are scrambling my thoughts the day of treatment and really messing with my sleep.  I have to get up at five am to go to the appointment, get back to my halfway house (the halfway house is a story for another time) around 9.  Cant’ get back to sleep I work 2 to 11 but have to take a one hour bus ride to work.  Because of  the shoddy mass transit here, I have to get to work an hour early or  I’ll be there 20 minutes late. I work Saturdays 10 am to 7 pm.  So between 4 hours a morning Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, two hours of commuting to work each day and  then  working 8 hours a day,  I have  70 hour  weeks.  It’s  taking a toll  but I  feel  so much more balanced




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