Dealing with A Minor Bipolar Episode

Another fun filled day with the bipolar.  Woke up two hours late.  The bus station wasn’t as bad as normal.  No one asked me for money or cigarettes. That was a pleasant change of pace.

Riding the bus, is a hard thing to do in Tampa.  This city’s mass transit is way lacking.  It takes me an hour and a half to go the four miles to work.  I miss my car. Well, I miss my cars.  I’ve had 3 in the last two years. Won two of them playing three card poker.

Easy come easy go.

No major panic attacks today.  That was a plus.  I had two much caffeine, I think.  I’ve been using the massive amount of caffeine that I take in to counteract the Seroquel and Klonopin, but I think that my bodies adjusted to the drugs over the years. Now it just makes me get a case of the ants in the pants as I’m told.

Didn’t steal much today, just one Mountain Dew from the break room.  That’s a start in the right direction.  The  thievery was getting a bit out  of hand.  One of my signs of  getting a bit manicy. It’s been a helluva lot worse in the past.

I’m looking forward to my appointment with the psych doc next week.  First time I’ve seen a psych doc outside of an inpatient  stint in, what two years.  I think I need the Seroquel dialed down and the Klonopin boosted up.  Pretty sure that the Zoloft is having a paradoxical effect.  I’ve been really depressed.  Not suicidal depressed but finding  no happiness in anything depressed.  I’m worthless at work.

Haven’t gambled in over a month.  That’s a start.  I do have the lifetime ban at the Hard Rock, but there’s still the horse and dog track.  I had a moment of wanting to go there this weekend but vegged out on the Xbox all weekend.


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